Class of 1971
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Bob Belsky elected as Honorary Member of the Class

By Jamie Pitney '71, Class President


By unanimous vote of the Class Executive Committee, Robert "Bob" Belsky was elected as an Honorary Member of the Class of 1971 for his many years of significant support for the activities of the Class.


Bob became Executive Chef at Tiger Inn in 1999 and General Manager & Chef of Tiger Inn in 2001. Bob has been a consistent supporter of the Class of 1971 and its members since joining the staff of Tiger Inn enabling the Class to field a broad array of events that have helped the Class Executive Committee achieve its goal of increased Class of 1971 participation. The major events include:

  • The Fall 2021 Retreat where over 120 Classmates and guests celebrated a return to Campus over two days in October. We had never before tried to plan a “between Reunions” event on such scale and scope. The event got major positive feedback from all those who attended. The quality of the food, the excellence of the facilities, and the friendliness of the staff were essential in achieving that positive outcome.
  • Every Fall for 20 years or more years the Class has held its post Homecoming football game reception in the Class of 1971 Library of Tiger Inn. Bob and his staff provide an array of finger foods plus a full bar for the event. Our Classmates and their guests have come to expect to be able to retreat to this haven regardless of the outcome of the game.
  • Each Wednesday night before a Class of 1971 Major Reunion, Bob and his Tiger Inn staff host a dinner for the Student Crew of Reunion, members of the Class Reunion Committee, and Class officers. This dinner on the front lawn of Tiger Inn fosters casual conversation among members of these groups, which enhances the service all Class members receive during the major Reunion.

Importantly, Bob gets heavily involved in helping the Reunion Chairs and Tiger-alum and liaison Stu Rickerson in the planning and selecting of offerings for these events in addition to leading his staff on the days of these events. This level of involvement results in improved quality of events at an exceptional cost.


Congratulations and welcome to the Class of 1971, Bob!

Upcoming Events

Click on date for more info

Orange and Black Day

October 22, 2024

Homecoming and Tiger Tailgate

Football v. Cornell

November 2, 2024

Alumni Day

February 22, 2025

Future Class Reunions

54th Reunion, May 22-25, 2025

55th Reunion, May 21-24, 2026

56th Reunion, May 20-23, 2027

57th Reunion, May 18-21, 2028

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